DevStream Joins CNCF Sandbox

On Jun 14, 2022, in the CNCF TOC Meeting, DevStream passed the technical oversight committee’s review, and joined CNCF sandbox!
DevStream dated back in Oct 2021 and released the first minor version v0.1.0 in Feb 2022. Now, DevStream is a big family with 26 contributors and hundreds of users in our user group. We’ve attracted some attention, too. Now, we are on our way to 400 GitHub stars, which is all organic growth!
Thank You
Here, I, Tiexin Guo, PMC Chair of DevStream, representing our whole team, would like to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the community.
Joining the CNCF wouldn’t be remotely possible if it weren’t for you guys: all the users, contributors, and organization members.
Here in the DevStream community, we often ask ourselves this question: what is DevStream? What is DevStream’s core value? What defines DevStream? An open-source DevOps toolchain manager? Setting up your DevOps platform at the click of a button within 5 minutes?
While those are all true, they don’t define DevStream.
You define DevStream. You are DevStream. DevStream wouldn’t be a thing without our passionate community.
The CNCF TOC Review
Oh, by the way, we didn’t just pass the TOC review, or meet the bare minimum requirements. It’s proud and fair to say that we passed with flying colors.
Normally, the CNCF TOC meeting is held every two months, and they review a bunch of projects in that one-hour meeting. Some projects are scrutinized; it’s not uncommon to see the TOC carefully review a project for about 10 minutes.
We passed within 2 minutes and 10 seconds. Yep, that’s not a typo :) See those glorious two minutes here on youtube. Or, you can choose to watch the whole video if you would like to know more about how CNCF TOC meeting works:
The review of DevStream starts from 41:48.
The result is officially documented here; @amye has also made a PR already to have DevStream listed.
What We Did Right
This honor belongs to the community, and here I’d like to give back to the community a short list of actions that we think we did right from the beginning and accelerated everything:
- good documentation
- good roadmap
- some main contributors
- consistent contributions from the community
- community meetings
- a slack channel (where the contributors communicate asynchronously)
In the doc, it’s also critical to have some form of developer guide that lowers the bar and reduces the barriers for new contributors. After all, open-source is all about community.
In the next blog post, I will try to write a short FAQ which I summarized from CNCF TOC meetings. I will try my best to answer questions like:
- What exactly will the TOC meeting review?
- What aspects are important?
Stay tuned. See you in the next one!