This blog post is first published at GitGuardian blog. Disclaimer: this tutorial goes all the way through setting up Jenkins in a Kubernetes minikube cluster, if you’re only interested in the Jenkinsfile, jump to the last part! 0 GitGuardian and ggshield ggshield is a CLI application that runs in your local environment or in a CI environment to help you detect more than 350 types of secrets, as well as
Note: opinions are my own. They don’t represent my current company or any previous companies I’ve worked for. Note 2: recently, my colleague published a blog post (in Chinese, here’s the link if you are interested). I like this post, but I’d like to share more with you on the topic of DevOps. So I decided to publish a miniseries (7 episodes planned) on DevOps. Here’s the first article. Note
Note: 以下观点不代表本人就职的公司。系作者个人观点。这些观点和作者的本人工作经历有关,可能不够面面俱到。 从Devops的由来说起 近些年,DevO
What’s up guys, this is Daniel! Yeah, this English blog is WRITTEN by me, not TRANSLATED by me! It’s my first English blog in my whole life. If you are a Chinese reader, maybe you’ve ever seen my Chinese blogs before. Right, I wrote a lot of blogs, but only in Chinese. Believe it or not, English
From the ground up? Yep, from the ground up! Overview Creating a Kubernetes cluster can be tricky. There are multiple tools designed just for that job. There are even companies that provide “installing K8s” as a service. And, to create a production-ready Kubernetes cluster with all the best practices in mind requires detailed designing and planning. So, the scope of this article isn’t to help you to create a “production-ready”
从零开始?从零开始! var 零=99 // 别紧张,Just a jok。 Let’s Get Started! 概述 “Kubernetes 集群部署”严格来说是一个复杂的技术活,有很多的可选