Official Releases for Different Platforms dtm-darwin-arm64 dtm-darwin-amd64 dtm-linux-amd64 Major Changes since Last Release This version focuses on two things: refactoring making the Jenkins/GitLab/Harbor/Java combination prod-ready Here we highlighted a few changes in this release: Core helm-type plugins now support local charts there is a new “force” flag to dtm destroy command, thanks to @csonezp k8s backend is supported for storing state Plugins GitHub Actions for Python is enhanced Jenkins/GitLab/Harbor plugins
何谓"英雄榜"? 废话不多说,不扯那些所谓的"提高贡献者荣誉感"、“让贡献被所有人看到&r
Disclaimer: This article is originally published on 4th-Coffee, a Medium DevOps Publication. The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely my own; they did not, do not, and will not represent my employer. Author’s note: This blog post walks you through the basic usage and popular integrations of Doppler, and makes a comparison between Doppler and other equivalents. Basic DevOps knowledge is required, for example, Kubernetes, kubectl, helm,
Hello, and DevStream is happy to present to you our new Podcast, “DevOps Fireside Chat!” Listen here: Optionally, you can go to Ximalaya to play: You can also listen this podcast in xiaoyuzhoufm: If you prefer to watch the video, you can also watch it directly on this page: Why “Fireside Chat” TL;DR The podcast show’s name “DevOps Fireside Chat” is inspired by the “Fireside Chats” series by
开门见山 音频版 也可前往喜马拉雅、小宇宙收听。 视频版 前因 欢迎来到《DevOps围炉夜话》,这是一款全新的音视频节目,由 DevStream 团队主持。节目会以 DevOps 为
一、前因 我是一个“DevOps 工程师”,于是总会遇到有人问我:“什么是 DevOps?” 这个问题看似特别基础,基础到很多人懒得回答。但其实冷静